IP Milan (ITALY) 2007
Period | April 10-23, 2007
Host University | Department of Sociology, Università di Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Local coordinator | Prof. Serena Vicari Haddock
Study Area, General Theme and Topics
The study area for this IP was the northern part of the metropolitan area of Milan. The focus was on two specific redevelopment programmes: the first in the area of Bicocca, a previous industrial area that was redeveloped following a ‘knowledge-based society strategy, including the location of the new University ‘Milano-Bicocca’; the second – Parco Nord – in a green area on the Northern border of the city, successfully managed by a consortium of municipalities. Four topics were selected: a) The socio-economic impact of a ‘knowledge-based society’ strategy (Bicocca); b) Urban (physical) planning and real estate (Bicocca); c) Environment and planning (Parco Nord); d) Social policy and governance (Parco Nord).
Involved Universities and Students
Pictures of the Event