Application and Recognition Procedures
In this section you will find all the information you may required for applying to Intensive Programme.
Application and Recognition Procedures
The IP is generally open to students in the last years of their undergraduate programme or Masters level and Ph.D. students, that are registered at ESDP partner universities.
Pre-requisites | What Prior Knowledge you need when Applying to IP?
Most partner institutions require a letter of motivation from prospective students.
Level | What is the Level of Course?
The Intensive Programme (IP) is an intensive structured graduate programme that can provide equivalent ECTS credits.Contact your local ESDP contact person for more information.
Session | When to Apply?
The IP is not funded every year. News of upcoming IPs are posted on this website and advertised in each partner institution. For more information on the next IP edition, application procedure and selection process, students should contact their local ESDP contact person (see Partners list LINK).
Duration of Programme | How long is the Programme?
The Intensive Programme (IP) is an intensive, two week-long course.
Procedure | How to apply?
Contact local ESDP contact person for application procedures.
Price & Finances | What does it cost?
Travel and accommodation for students are generally supported by the IP, mostly through the grant provided under the Erasmus grant and some local co-funding. However, depending on host countries and years, a small contribution from students might be required.
Evaluation Criterion and Certification of the work done
Students are required to actively participate to lectures, site visits and project work, within their assigned topic team. Moreover, each student must make clear his/her individual contribution to the team work in the intermediate and final presentations of the project work. Upon successful completion of these requirements, the team work and individual contributions of students are evaluated by the IP staff and individual marks are assigned. Students attending the programme are entitled to the equivalent of 4-6 ECTS with the given mark, to be registered in their home universities, according to the latter’s rules.