Pavlos-Marinos Delladetsimas (professor)
Back to All MembersProfessor at the Department of Geography Harokopio University Athens, has studied Architecture (Univesita degli Studi di Firenze), Development Planning (Dip. University College London) and Spatial Planning (MPHIL Town Planning University College London). Has worked as a researcher at the National Technical University of Athens. Subsequently he worked as a researcher at IFRESI/CNRS (Lille-Fr). He has been staff member of the Department of Geography University of the Aegean. He has been teaching and collaborating with numerous post graduate programmes in Greece (Department of Geography University of the Aegean, Department of Geography Harokopio University, NTUA) and in Europe (University College London, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Université des Sciences & Technologies de Lille). During the academic year 2011/12 has worked as visiting professor at ASRO-Faculty of Engineering KU Leuven and in 2012/13 at Département Aménagement Ecole Polytechnique de l’ Université François Rabelais de Tours. Prof. Delladetsimas is a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute and the Technical Chamber of Greece.
Professor Delladetsimas scientific and research interests concern: Urban Geography, Urban and Regional Planning, Dynamic Analysis and Land Use Planning, Land Values and Real Estate Development, Land Policy and the Commons, Vulnerability Analysis, Disaster Mitigation Planning in Urban Areas, Urban Safety Systems. He has coordinated a series of research programmes in Greece and Europe. He has been a member of the Scientific Boards an Expert Groups of: the Earthquake Planning and Protection Organisation (EPPO), the General Secretariat of Civil Protection, European Centre on Prevention and Forecasting of Earthquakes and the General Secretariat of Research. He is currently a member of the Harokopio University Council and member of the Scientific Board of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants (GSEVEE).
Research Publications
- Delladetsima, P.,M., Kotsmabopoulos, A., (2002), “Greece Knowledge Intensive Services and Economic Development”, in P. Wood (edited), Consultancy and Innovation The Business Service Revolution in Europe, Routledge London, pp.246-281.
- Delladetsima, P.,M., (2003) “The Olympic Village: A Redevelopment Marathon in Greater Athens”, F. Moulaert, E. Swyngendouw, A. Rodriguez edited, “Urbanising Globalisation: Urban Redevelopment and Social Polarisation in the European City”, Oxford University Press, pp.65-90.
- Delladetsima, P.,M., (2005), “I giochi olympici ad Atene. Un esperimento di pianificazione strategica o un’ opportunità mancata?, στο F. Matinelli (a cura di) La pianificazione strategica in Italia ed in Europa: Metodologie ed esiti a confronto, Milano: Francο Angeli, σελ. 229-261.
- Delladetisma, P.,M., (2006), The Emerging Property Development Pattern in Greece and its Impact on Spatial Development”, European Urban and Regional Studies, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 245-278.
Delladetisma, P.,M., Dandoulaki, M., Soulakellis, N., (2006), An Aegean island earthquake protection strategy: an integrated analysis and policy methodology, Disasters, 2006, 30(4), pp. 469−502.
- P.M. Delladetsima (2008), Verso un governo dell area metropolitana di Atene: La retorica e le condizioni materiali, in Umberto De Martino (a cura di), Il Governo delle Aree Metropolitane, Roma: Officina Edizioni, pp. 121-134.
- Delladetsima, P.,M., (2009), Safe Cities, Athens: Exandas
- Delladetsima, P.,M., Beriatos, H., (2010), 1953/Ionian Islands: The Rebuilding of Cefalonia and Zakinthos, in P.M. Delladetsima and H. Beriatos (edited), Earthquakes and Urban Development, Athens:’ Kritiki,
- Dandoulaki M. and P.M. Delladetsima (2010), “1981/The Alkyonides Earthquake (1981): The Earthquake that Shook Athens and Boosted Safety Policy”, in P.M. Delladetsima and H. Beriatos (edited), Earthquakes and Urban Development, Athens: Kritiki, P.M. Delladetsima and E. Kongopoulou (2010), “1999/The Athens Earthquake: Disaster Effects in Athens of the 7/9/1999 Earthquake and the Recovery-Reconstruction Process in the Municipality of Acharnai and the LC of Thakomakedones” in P.M.Delladetsima and H. Beriatos (edited), Earthquakes and Urban Development, Athens: Kritiki.
- Delladetsima, P., M., (2011) Planning for knowledge infrastructure and capacity building in a distinct insular regional context”, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, Vol. 24, Nos. 1:2, pp.107-131.
- Delladetsima, P., M., (2012), Sustainable development and spatial planning: Some considerations arising from the Greek case, no 46/2012 European Journal of Spatial Development.
- Delladetsima, P.M., Loukakis, J., (2013), Shopping Malls Policy in Europe, Athens: GSEVEE.
- Delladetsima, P.M., Loukakis, J., (2013), Shopping Malls Policy in Greece, Athens: GSEVEE.
- Delladetsima, P.,M., (2015), The role of Intermediate size cities and the New Urbanisation Pattern in Greece, in Douguedroit A. and Terkenli T. (edited), Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing