Loris Servillo
Back to All MembersArchitect with Ph.D in ‘Territorial Planning and Local Development’, he is post-doc researcher in the Department of Architecture – KU Leuven (Be), where he teaches “Institutional Aspect of Spatial Planning” course and co-teaches “Strategic Spatial Planning” course (with F. Moulaert) in the post-graduate Masters MaHS and MaUSP. He is the programme coordinator of the International Module Spatial Development Planning (IMSDP).
Loris Servillo has ripened his cross-disciplinary attitude through the following research themes:
a) Wider reflection on societal needs, ethical stances and their implication for spatial dynamics and spatial interventions (e.g. territorial cohesion and sustainable development);
b) strategic spatial planning and territorial cooperation in Europe, with particular attention to local development, integrated area-based programs and multi-scalar territorial governance;
c) applied researches on EU spatial dynamics for evidence based policies (Small and Medium-sized towns in EU, Human mobility and territorial factors of attractiveness);
d) institutional aspects of spatial planning, European Spatial Planning, Europeanisation and comparative analysis of planning systems; and
e) research by design as methodological heuristic tool for socio-spatial exploration, and its potentiality in inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary processes.
Research Publications
- 2010 Servillo, L. ‘Territorial cohesion discourses: Hegemonic strategic concepts in European Spatial Planning’. Planning Theory and Practice, 11(3), 397-416.
- 2012 Servillo, L., Lingua, V. ‘ The Innovation of the Italian Planning System: Actors, Path Dependencies, Cultural Contradictions and a Missing Epilogue’. European Planning Studies, 0(0), 1-18. DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2012.752443.
- 2012 Servillo, L., Atkinson, R., Russo, A. ‘Territorial Attractiveness in EU Urban and Spatial Policy: A critical review and future research agenda’. European Urban and Regional Studies, 19(4), 349-365.
- 2012 Servillo, L., Van den Broeck, P. ‘The social construction of planning systems. A strategic-relational institutionalist approach’.Planning Practice & Research, 27(1), 41-61.
- 2012 Russo, A., Smith, I., Atkinson, R., Servillo, L., Madsen, B., Van den Borg, J., ATTREG. The Attractiveness of European regions and cities for residents and visitors – Final Report. Luxemburg: ESPON. ISBN: 978-2-919777-26-6.
- 2013 Servillo L., Schreurs J., ‘Pragmatism and Research by Design: Epistemological Virtues and Methodological Challenges’,International Planning Studies, 18(3-4), 358-371.
- 2013 Munteanu M., Servillo L., ‘The Romanian planning system: Post-Communist Dynamics of Change and Europeanization Processes’. European Planning Studies. DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2013.830696.
- 2014 Servillo L. (ed.) TOWN, small and medium sized towns in their functional territorial context, Scientific Report, Espon, Luxembourg.
- 2014 Servillo L. ‘Qualitative method and territorial performance monitoring of macro-challenges: an integrated perspective’, in: ESPON (ed.) Science in support of European Territorial Development and Cohesion, Second ESPON 2013 Scientific Report, pp.201-207. ESPON: Luxemburg. ISBN: 978-2-919777-53-2.
- 2014 Russo A., Smith I., Servillo L. ‘Population mobility: moving away from a ‘sedentarist’ epistemology’, in: ESPON (ed.) Science in support of European Territorial Development and Cohesion, Second ESPON 2013 Scientific Report, pp.85-92. ESPON: Luxemburg. ISBN: 978-2-919777-53-2.