Cristiana Rossignolo
Back to All MembersPh.D in Spatial Planning and Real Estate Market at the Politecnico di Torino. Associate Professor in Geography at the Interuniversity Department of Urban and Regional Studies and Planning (DIST), Politecnico e Università di Torino, Italy. She teaches Urban and territorial geography in the Master of Science in Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning and Local Resources in the Studio of Integrated programmes for local development and urban regeneration in the BA. Member of the EURA (European Urban Research Association) Executive Committee and in 2008 among the founders and book review editor of Urban Research and Practice (T&F).
- European urban policies and urban networks
- Integrated approach in urban policies and urban regeneration (policies and tools)
- Post-metropolitan cities, governance and strategic planning
Research Publications
- 1. Dansero E., Mela A., Rossignolo C. (2015), “Legacies of Turin 2006 eight years on: theories on territorialisation in the aftermath of the Olympic Games”, in G. Poynter and V. Viehoff (eds.): Mega-event Cities: Urban Legacies of Global Sports Events, Farnham: Ashgate (forthcoming).
- 2. Rossignolo C. (2015), “Europe of cities in the post-2013 Cohesion policy”, Urbanistica, n. 153 (forthcoming).
- 3. Rossignolo C., Saccomani S (2014), “Un’Europa al bivio: l’Agenda urbana europea tra nuova scelta strategica e nuova retorica condivisa”, Urbanistica Informazioni, vol. 256, p. 75-78.
- 4. Rossignolo C. (2012), “Le città europee: urbanizzazione, classifiche, immagini e reti”, in L. Grazi (ed.), Le città e l’Unione europea. La dimensione urbana tra percorsi storici e dinamiche di europeizzazione. p. 45-73, Bologna: Il Mulino.
- 5. Dematteis G., Rossignolo C. (2012), “Piedmont Spatial Strategies for a territorial government”, in M. Campagna et Al. (eds.), Planning Support Tools: Policy Analysis, Implementation and Evaluation, p. 1437-1451, Milano: Franco Angeli.
- 6. Atkinson R., Rossignolo C. (2010), “Cities and the ‘soft side’ of Europeanization: The role of Urban Networks”, in A. Hamedinger and A. Wolffhardt (eds.), The Europeanisation of cities: policies, urban change and urban networks, p. 197-210, Amsterdam: Techne Press.
- 7. Cabodi C, Rossignolo C., Rota F.S (2010). Torino e i suoi territori. Scenari competitivi e coesivi in Europa. p. 1-85, Roma: Carocci.
- 8. Governa F, Rossignolo C, Saccomani S. (2009), “Torino. Urban regeneration in a post-industrial city”, Journal Of Urban Regeneration And Renewal, vol. 3.1, p. 20-30.
- 9. Atkinson R, Rossignolo C. (a cura di) (2008). The Re-creation of the European City. Governance, Territory and Polycentricity, p. 1-272, Amsterdam: Techne Press.
- 10. Rossignolo C., Simonetta Imarisio C (eds.) (2003), Una geografia dei luoghi per lo sviluppo locale. Approcci metodologici e studi di caso, vol. SLoT 3, p. 1-201, Bologna: Baskerville.