Abdel-Illah Hamdouch

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PhD and Tenure Thesis in Economics, Full Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, Head of the Planning and Environment Department, Polytechnic School, University François Rabelais of Tours. Senior Researcher at CITERES (Cities, Territories, Environment, Societies), CNRS UMR Research Unit 7324. Head of the International Master in “Urban and Regional Planning: Planning and Sustainability”, University of Tours. Expert for the EC, the French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development, the French National Agency of Regional Planning and Territorial Development (DATAR, Paris), the Regional Chamber for Social Economy (CRESS, Lille), etc. He is also representative at the councils of AESOP and APERAU.

As partner of the ESDP network in Lille then in Tours, he has participated to about half of the IPs and to the European Module. He has also been partner in several research projects such as VALICORES, KATARSIS and ECOSIN. He is now partner in other research projects focussing on Small and Medium Sized Towns in Europe (ESPON-TOWN, AURORA, ODES, etc.)


Innovation dynamics, clusters and territorial development; Sustainable territorial development policies; Environmental innovations and green technologies; Social innovation, social economy and urban development; Spatial planning; Small and Medium-Sized Towns.

Research Publications

  • Forest, J., Hamdouch, A. (Eds.). Quand l’innovation fait la ville durable. Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 2015.

  • Moulaert, F., MacCallum, D., Mehmood, A., Hamdouch, A. (Eds.). The International Handbook on Social Innovation – Collective Action, Social Learning and Transdisciplinary Research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013.

  • De Propris, L., Hamdouch, A. (Eds.). “Regions as Knowledge and Innovative Hubs”. Special issue, Regional Studies, 47(7), July 2013.

  • Hamdouch, A., Depret, M.-H., Tanguy, C. (Eds.). Mondialisation et résilience des territoires. Trajectoires, dynamiques d’acteurs et expériences, Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2012.

  • Hamdouch, A., Depret, M.-H. “Sustainable Development and the Territorial Dynamics of the “Green Economy”: Actors, Scales and Policies”, Finisterra – Portuguese Journal of Geography, XLVII (94), 2012, 49-84.

  • Hamdouch, A., Zuindeau, B. (Eds.). “New Perspectives on Sustainable Development”. Special issue, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 53(4), 2010.

  • Hamdouch, A. (Ed.). “Networking, Innovation and Clusters”, Special issue, Journal of Innovation Economics, 4, December 2009.

  • Hamdouch, A., Cameron, S., de Muro, P., Moulaert, F. “Combating Poverty in Europe and the Third World: Social Innovation in Motion”. In: The Challenge of Social Innovation in Urban Revitalization, P. Drew, J.-L. Klein and E. Hulsbergen (Eds.), Amsterdam: Techne Press, 2008, 87-100.